Conversion Rate Optimization Digital Strategy

17 Ways to Increase e-Commerce Conversions by Leveraging Social Proof

Buying something is a journey, not a solitary event. Sales techniques that pressure the consumer to decide right away frequently result in an “I’ll think about it” or an order cancellation. A client is more likely to share their decision with others when they are confident in it, which is a form of social proof. […]

Conversion Rate Optimization Digital Strategy Marketing Tips

5 Vanity Metrics You Should Pay Less Attention & What to Track Instead

In broad terms, anything you measure that doesn’t directly relate to customer acquisition, customer retention, or revenue are vanity metrics, and vanity metrics only exist to make you look/feel good.

Conversion Rate Optimization Digital Strategy Marketing Tips

10 Digital Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking for Better Performance

Have you any idea what makes your company’s marketing efforts a success? Clues why your company is not performing?  Why is your company doing well? Why is it not doing well? Well, if you are not monitoring your marketing efforts, there is no way you will know if they are working or not, and that […]