Freelance Copywriter for Kooni Connect

Our social media marketing agency weaves together creative, media and content in symphonic harmony with some bright, talented fiends. But who even uses the word “fiends?” No wonder we need a copywriter.

Here’s where you come in.

We believe everyone’s got brilliant ideas. But what sets a Creative apart from the rest? It’s making a beeline for out-of-the-box, killer concepts with the ability to make stuff happen. We’ve got makers and creators – from graphic designers to web developers – who bring brands to life, creating and hijacking at the speed of culture. You’ll help us put our heart and soul into our clients’ products. Solving business problems in unorthodox ways. Touching audiences with emotions. Mixing art and passion with logic and numbers. All to make magic happen.

Who Are You?

  • You are a maker. Your main focus is ideation and creation, both at a high speed and volume.
  • You. Must. Love. Words (and have the ability to string them together).
  • You enjoy collaborating with a (super cool, super fun, super energetic) team.
  • You are a digital native and understand the internet of things.
  • You tell stories. The kind people will stop and listen to.
  • You consume content and know the ingredients to relevant, thumb-stopping creative work.

The Task At Hand:

    • Research and ideation, obviously. Brainstorming, creating and presenting ideas to clients, surely. Thinking big then writing lots, essentially.
    • Transform thoughts and half-ideas into fun, creative content with your brilliant Art Director partner.
    • Understand pop culture, trends and new technologies. Use the content you consume to make concise and relevant creative recommendations.
    • Write high-engagement and impactful social and traditional media content that reflects the brand’s voice.
    • Write fast but with finesse.
    • Did we mention, writing?


  • 1 – 4 years experience in a similar copywriting or editorial role (internships included).
  • Experience creating content for digital (personal accounts included).
  • Strong conceptual/brainstorming skills.
  • Good grammar is a must.
  • So are time management skills.
  • Hungry for great work (and good food).
  • Thrives in the company of good people.
  • Ability to wear multiple brand hats and switch easily between brand voices.
  • Highly creative, weird-thinking and witty.
  • Already writing a better job description than this one.